May 24, 2011

Aunt Debbie and Dawson Meet Austen

We were so excited for Debbie and Dawson to finally meet Austen!

Dawson did a great job holding her! She's going to be a fantastic babysitter when she gets older!

Austen is still not quite sure what to do with her arms!

Debbie had the magic touch over and over again!

More Dawson & Debbie

This picture cracks me up! Poor Austen has the flute playing in her ear and her head flopping around!

We gave Austen her first real bath since her cord fell off. She had quite an audience!

Surprisingly, she didn't scream the whole time. She had her eyes shut for the majority of her bath.

It was steamy and the pools aren't open we got out the sprinkler attachments. The girls loved chasing Dru!

We thought they were watching a movie in the back room but instead they were both passed out asleep!

May 12, 2011

Mother's Day

Mother's Day was extra special this year! It was great to celebrate with my Mom and to have new baby Austen. We took her to church and she did great. She slept through the entire service.

Week 2

Here are a few pictures from Austen's 2nd week at home! Umps had the magic touch with Austen. Notice Laney is wearing the diaper bag so that she's ready to help too!

Aunt Jayne and Uncle Dac...we love this little onesie. She's posing for you!

She's not quite sure what to do with her hands most of the time. They fly all over the place!

May 07, 2011

Mother's Day Tea

Laney's preschool had a Mother's Day Tea on Thursday. It was so cute!

They made these flowers, picture frames, bracelets and potpourri for us.

The food table was set up so pretty. Each of the kids served their Moms.

Here they are performing one of their songs for us.

First Bath

Austen had her first bath on Wednesday. We know her lungs are working!

May 03, 2011

Coming Home

It was crazy cold on Monday, May 2nd as we headed home from the hospital. Dallas had a record high of 45 that day. The spring outfit I planned for Austen to come home in was a little off...but we bundled her up and she wore it anyway!

Laney was so excited to bring Austen home!

The girls in their car seats. Laney sang Justin Beiber songs to Austen all the way home!

Hospital Picture

We got Austen all dressed up for the standard hospital photos. Her flowers are bigger than she is! She looks so much like Laney did as a newborn.

Austen and the Fam!

Austen was surrounded by family as she came into the world! She's already getting used to a camera flashing in her face! As you can tell by most of the pictures Laney isn't camera shy either.

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