December 29, 2009

Christmas Eve in KC

We got lots of good pictures after church on Christmas Eve.

Christmas in Snowy KC

Laney and Dawson take a quick break from covering each other up with the jumbo blocks.
The traditional couch shot in their pajamas. Goof balls!
Throw it to me Uncle Dru! Laney is obsessed with Snow White.
It was truly a blizzard on Christmas Eve but that didn't stop us from sprinkling reindeer food out on the lawn for Rudolph and team.
Here's Laney on Christmas morning with her new pink bean bag and her new (well sort of new) Cabbage Patch named Goldie.

More Dress Up Photos

Laney the fire fighter!
Dr. Laney!
Fire Fighter with Snow White heels!
Snow White dress with matching Snow White heels!
Here's a shot of the cabinet. I got so excited about the outfits that I didn't get a very good shot of the actual wardrober. Once we get it to Richardson I'll post more pics. It's really awesome!

Christmas in Broken Arrow

Laney had a blast hanging out with Pops, Grandma and the rest of the McCabe clan. Pops built her a costume cabinet and she LOVED it! It came all set up with various costumes, shoes, hats and handbags. Look for more photos in the next post but here's my favorite shot. I love her combination of Snow White, the fireman hat, the boa and her black evening bag. True personal style!
Laney with her new puppy Patch and Oscar at her feet.
Laney and Grandma after church.
Laney, Patch (her new puppy from Aunt Klanci) and Cosmo. Laney and Cosmo are best buddies.

Dr. McCabe

As Laney would say...she did it! Klanci got her PHD from Tulsa University and the whole family was there to celebrate.
Laney tried out every empty seat in the auditorium during the ceremony.
Yeah Aunt Klanci!

December 08, 2009

I had to share this picture of Laney after school last week. She's wearing Dru's shoes and pretending to sweep the floor with the magnetic broom stick from the fridge. She is SO busy these days and is literally non-stop entertainment. I'm finally posting a few pictures from November. Enjoy!


We were in Broken Arrow for Thanksgiving. Laney, Dru and Pops were just getting ready to put the Turkey in the smoker.
Isn't this play dough jewelry beautiful?
The exercise ball was so entertaining!
She's cheering the Sooners on here with her 'go OU' signs!

Nana's Visit (November 20th)

Nana came to see us the weekend before Thanksgivng. They had fun making banana bars together and as you can see Laney's favorite part is the icing! That's my girl!

She made a few rounds on the carousel at the mall while we did some Christmas shopping.
Even Dru got to ride! 
Say cheese gives us some funny faces these days! We took this after church.