We had the best Christmas! We got to spend quality time with all of our family and we are so thankful for every second of it. I took so many pictures and while I gave it my best shot to put them in order of how they happened...I got it all backwards. If anyone out there knows how to rearrange the order of your posts...please let me know! The bottom two pictures of this post are at home on Saturday, the 19th before we left for OK. The top three are at the end of our trip as we left KC.
Umps got a Wii for Christmas. Ironically I have zero pictures of him actually playing his Wii. We all loved it. The boxing makes for the best pictures! Dru was beating Braden in Mario Kart so the girls decided to distract him.
We had a great time with the McCabe clan this Christmas. This year our son got to go with us on our Christmas road trip. Cosmo rode in the back of the Murano and then stayed with Grandma and Pops while we went on to KC. We clearly favor Laney over Cosmo as you won't see him in one single picture! Oscar and Otis (shown with Klanci and Ryan) were a little scared of Cosmo and Laney but they started warming up towards the end.
Laney spent the majority of her time in Broken Arrow going up and down the stairs! The third picture is for Aunt Mary -- she's posing in her favorite new gold shoes and fur vest!
We had a yummy Thanksgiving dinner thanks to Nana and Meemee. Laney liked almost everything but especially loved the pumpkin pie. She opens her mouth so wide for pie!
By Saturday night, we couldn't eat any more leftovers so we headed out for Mexican food. When we got home Laney finally got brave and turned on the dancing santa! The last picture is on Sunday morning before Nana, Umps and Meemee hit the road.